Year 4’s Home Learning Projects are in!

After more than three weeks of careful thought, endless research and lots of hard work, pupils in Year 4 finally had the chance to present their home learning projects! As part of the Year 4 topic on ‘The Birth of America’ children were challenged to plan and produce a large project showing their independent learning that focused on one area of the subject.



As soon as the first projects appeared in class, two things were immediately clear. Firstly, all the projects were completed to an extremely high standard and the children clearly felt very proud of their hard work. Secondly, it was amazing to see how different each project was. Every child had decided to research and present a different area of the subject in a wide variety of ways.

The Flamingo classroom was filled with model houses, information posters, delicious historical cooking, PowerPoint presentations and even historical diaries. Not to mention 13 excited children!

Finally, to complete the presentation morning, we filled the classroom with parents and children from other classes, so that our experts in Flamingo Class could share their unique knowledge and hard work.

Everyone learned a great deal from each other throughout the morning. What a wonderful way to develop our understanding of ‘The Birth of America’! Well done Flamingo Class!

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