After many weeks of patience and hard work, we have finally completed our pop-up books in Year 4! During the Autumn term, children wrote adventure stories based on our Tudor Explorers topic. We wanted to bring these adventures to life, and so set about creating our very own pop-up books! This design project took longer than we thought, as we worked carefully to make sure each page worked correctly.
We tried to make each page of the book interactive, so that the reader could move something in the story. We learned about how real pop-up books are made, and what kind of tricks they use to make things move.
We also had to learn about how to lay out or page in ICT, so that our writing and front cover looked as professional as the rest of the book. We were pleased to finally combine all elements into a completed book!
We were really happy with our completed books – we hope you enjoy seeing them! Take a look at the video and photos of what we created!