Year 4 ‘I am the Ocean’ poetry/video projects published

Earlier in the year, children in Year 4 explored language and poetry techniques in their literacy lessons. Inspired by Conservation International’s Nature is Speaking campaign, pupils attempted to use powerful and evocative language to personify the ocean and its feelings. We then also created acrostic poems that tried to describe the movement of the ocean. I think you’ll agree, the ideas and language that came out of these poetry sessions were really dramatic!

Flamingo Class then set about publishing videos of these spoken poems by editing voice recordings, still images and video clips in MovieMaker. We hope we enjoy our two compilations.

Children learned how to search and download content from the internet safely, as well as having to upload their saved projects to Dropbox so that they always had access to their projects. Children spent time carefully selecting the still and moving images that accompany their poems – some children even ‘cut’ the clips so that the video reflected the words of their poem.

We hope you enjoy our final poetry projects.

The whole class enjoyed watching Conservation International’s Nature is Speaking campaign videos. They are very powerful and thought provoking. Check them out here:

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