Year 4 explore the topic of Celebration

yr-4-celebrate-nov-2015Over the next few weeks, our Year 4 students are fortunate enough to be studying the topic ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ In this topic the children will be studying a variety of celebrations and festivals from all around the world. Whether religious, historical or personal, Year 4 will be discussing how they impact people’s lives. By doing so we will be hoping to answer the following questions, Why do we celebrate? Have these celebrations changed throughout history? Should we celebrate our beliefs so publicly?

Fortunately this topic lends itself to many celebrations that are in November. More recently, BONFIRE NIGHT! A national celebration that people in the UK celebrate every year on the 5th of November.  Read on to see our amazing storyboard which retells the story of the Gunpowder Plot…

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!yr-4-guy-fawkes-2015 (10)

We in Year 4 thought this was a very bold statement, and went about researching and learning about the fascinating history behind the infamous ‘Gunpowder Plot’. The children started by creating this magnificent story board which tells the story of Guy Fawkes in superb detail, you may find out something you didn’t know before!


Read our storyboard


yr-4-guy-fawkes-2015 (1)As part of celebrating Bonfire Night the tradition says there must be ‘Guy Fawkes’ made to be burnt on the bonfire in front of the crowds. Year 4 created their very own Guy this year, made from old clothes, plenty of hard stuffing done by Year 4! They even sewed the Guy together! With some fantastic finishing touches such as: a very trendy green tie, a very fetching pocket handkerchief and I think all the bonfire goers will agree a rather hipster bobble hat. Well done to Year 4 for making a fantastic Guy Fawkes this year! As they correctly said after the finishing touches, “It’s going to be burnt at the stake in 5 hours!” A special thank you to Mrs Betty for her wonderful input and help with sewing.

Next, we will be turning our attention to Poppy Day and what this means to us.

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