Year 3’s Sunset Silhouettes

One of our parents at the school is a talented art teacher.  She has been working with the Year 3 this week, helping them to develop their art skills.

In our sunset silhouette art project the children mixed primary colours to create secondary colours.  They learnt how to blend these colours in horizontal lines to create a sunset sky effect.

Then using templates, as well as their own shape ideas, they cut out different silhouetted objects in black paper and stuck them onto their sunset background. Some children also overlapped their silhouettes, just like they do in real life.

The activity encouraged the children to understand how things that are closer appear bigger, and how things further away appear smaller and they were introduced to the vocabulary foreground, mid-ground, and background.

Thank you, Charlotte.  We had great fun and learnt lots of new art techniques, too!


  1. LC says:

    Looks great! Thank you Miss Charlotte!

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