Ship Ahoy! All aboard for Year 3’s Magical Mystery Pirate Tour of Provo. Setting sail in search of local treasures, it certainly was an adventure as they discovered hidden caves, historic ruins, delicious local food and modern-day treats. Captain Mani was pleased to report that none of our Year 3 Pirates were made to ‘Walk the Plank!’ However, there was talk of mutiny amongst some of the motley crew, threatening that if she made them wear their pirate hats and pose for yet another photograph one more time, Captain Mani herself would most definitely have to ‘walk the plank!’ Click on to read Captain Mani’s recount of the mystery tour and to see lots of photos of the pirate’s adventure – and those pirate hats of course!
Our journey began in search of secret caves whereby our leader Captain Kerry cleared a path allowing us to discover hidden caves and rocky beaches.
We travelled onwards to the historical site of ‘Cheshire Hall’ where our guide Jonathan revealed astounding facts of how life would have been like, living on this cotton plantation over 150 years ago. Taking us around the ruins, he used real artefacts that had been excavated on-site as evidence to explain some of historical past of Provo.
Hunger and thirst was quickly approaching, so our next stop was a traditional tasty feast of conch kindly prepared for us by ‘De Conch Shack’ – delicious! With bellies full we ventured further making a quick stop around the now famous and modern Grace Bay. How different life is now in comparison to the past.
Our final stop was to explore the kitchen, herb garden, coconut trees and deep natural water well of the famed ‘Coco Bistro’ Restaurant (the pirates were also very intrigued by the walk–in freezer!). Once our tour was complete our kind hosts, Stuart and Jo enticed us to savour their delicious home-made sorbet – The Pirates were indeed happy and content.
A huge ‘thank you’ to all the parents who assisted in making this a wonderful and unforgettable ‘Mystery Tour of Provo’. We had such a fabulous time we could not have done this without you…a memory the children will never forget. THANK YOU. Captain Mani’s Log, this day, Wednesday 22nd June, 2011.