This term, Year 3 Dolphins have been so lucky to have parent and professional artist ‘Lotte’ doing lots of wonderful creative art with them.
The class were introduced the work of artist Hundertwasser. They really enjoyed discussing what they could see in his paintings and were keen to create their own work using ideas they had seen – creating their own imaginary dream world.
With Miss Lotte, they talked about how Hundertwasser used colour, form, pattern and shape in his artwork to assist him in ‘expressing’ his thoughts.
Of course Year 3 Dolphin’s first thoughts were of something delicious and tasty…LOLLIPOPS…or are they trees…? You’ll have to ask them for yourself, as we each see and imagine different things when we look at art! In their own paintings they used the form of the lollipops, together with their love of pattern and knowledge of ‘hot and cold’ colours to assist them in portraying some of their own thoughts and emotions.
To add even more originality to their work, they thought about how they would like ‘pose and place’ themselves in their imaginary world. Can you find them in their beautiful creations?
This is a wonderful website with lots of the paintings by Hundertwasser that we looked at and were inspired by.
Thank you so much Miss Lotte for sharing your talents with Year 3 and for guiding them into producing such colourful and ‘thoughtful’ work.