The Year 3 Dolphins had a wonderful IGA shopping experience they will never forget. Not only did they get to practise their ‘estimating weight’ skills – “Does this coffee jar really weigh that!” exclaimed Will, they also got the opportunity to do their own shopping. Their generous and trusting parents gave each child a shopping list from which the children had to –
* find the product in the store
* round up the price to the nearest dollar
* estimate the total cost of their shop
* pay for the goods
* and of course check the change!
Some parents wrote some really tricky shopping lists!
We also got to go ‘behind the scenes’. We were shown the warehouse, shown how a fork lift truck works and best of all, we were invited to enter the largest freezer we had ever seen!
To top it all off we were all given a ‘goodie’ bag full of delicious fruit and the treat of some cookies. Year 3 would like to pass on a huge thank you to IGA – for their time, patience and generosity. All the children said, “That was the best trip EVER!”