Led by our school Computing Co-ordinator, Mr Jason, Year 3 have been having a ‘whale’ of a time investigating into what computer programming is about – following and/or producing a set of instructions to make things work.
Building on programming skills introduced last year in Yr 2, they are now working with Scratch Junior. They have been learning how to set a program so that the characters move from one place to another. Plus they have been learning how to get the characters to communicate. They have achieved this not only by inserting speech bubbles – practising their sentence writing skills – but also by recording their own voices, therefore becoming one of the characters in the program – at this point some children were able to practise their singing skills!
Next steps are to build their own characters and sets and create their own story using their newly developed programming skills. Well done Year 3 and a BIG thank you to Mr Jason for sharing your skills with us.