Year 3 Explore Nature at the Amanyara Resort

yr-3-amanyara-oct-2013-3A fun educational morning, compliments of Miss Jackie at the Amanyara.

How fortunate we Year 3 Dolphins were. We were invited to go and visit the Nature Centre and walk the Nature Trail in the area of the hotel. A fabulous morning of ‘discovery’ was experienced. We were able to observe and handle the live residential conch, soldier crabs and sand dollars that live at the Centre. It was really interesting to see the soldier crabs walking together! We also learnt about plants in the TCI, used a microscope to see natures patterns of plants and insects, painted our own pot to plant seeds in, plus experienced the plants we talked about first hand, during our Nature Walk. Wow! We were so busy!



Miss Jackie also presented us with lots of information about ‘Plants in the TCI’. We found out lots of amazing facts – for instance did YOU know that there are 9 species of native plants in the TCI that are (endemic) only found to grow here and nowhere else in the world? – TCI Heather, Caicos Orchid, Silvery Silverbush, Pear Cactus are just some of them!

We also found out about some of the natural remedies that can be made from plants indigenous to the TCI. – A tea made by soaking the leaves of the The Lignum Vitae (The Tree of Life) can help soothe swollen glands, fevers, aches and pains… and guess what?  We have this tree at school too! Maybe we could try and make our own remedies?  Who would have thought that the nature around us was so beneficial in keeping us healthy and feeling better… the natural way!

A super thank you to all parents who assisted with transport and of course to Miss Jackie for making the trip so fabulous!

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