What an exciting half term it has been for all of us. We have been discovering all sorts of wonderful and exciting things about the place we call home. We have learned about the different industries, explorers, neighbouring countries, plants, foods and customs of the T.C.I.
Our journey first began when we were invited by Mr Vasco to visit the Enclave. Here we were able to see the prominence of limestone rock on the island – which enabled people in the past to dig wells easily due to the softness of the stone. The construction of the Enclave also highlighted the importance of the growing ‘tourist’ industry in the T.C.I.
We were then invited to visit the Amanyara where Miss Jackie took us on a walk in the area and highlighted the many special plants that grow on the T.C.I., explaining the importance and uniqueness of particular plants on the island.
We were also very fortunate to have Miss Mary and Mr Jonathan from the National Trust come in to share their skills and knowledge about the importance of weaving in the T.C.I., both in the past and now in the present. We even managed to have a go at weaving ourselves and are now in the process of weaving our own mats to sit on in the garden – let’s hope they turn out!
Lastly, we visited Cheshire Hall. What a treat it was for us to see real artefacts and ruins from the past. We saw how walls were built, wells were dug, how food was grown and cooked, corn was crushed to become grits and a whole lot more! It has been an amazing journey of learning for us all. We have even managed to have a little bit of fun along the way – building stone castles on the beach, riding golf carts, sitting on canons, eating fresh herbs from the gardens, having a picnic, wearing important white helmets and even putting our hands in wet cement!! A HUGE thank you to all those people who made our learning so much more fun and a BIG well done to Year 3 for participating so well.