After a fantastic first term in Y2, Osprey class decided it would be a great opportunity to show off all their hard work to their parents.
After many weeks learning about ourselves and completing tasks individually, in small groups and as a whole class it was time to celebrate how much we had achieved since September.
Some of the things we have enjoyed:
- Creating a self portrait (see previous Y2 Blog)
- Naming and labelling the continents and oceans that surround us and where we were born
- Story telling about our homes
- Learning ‘how to fill a bucket’ (why not read Have you filled a bucket today? by Carol McCloud and you’ll know what we’re talking about!)
- And many many other things!
So our parents came along for an open house and we think they thoroughly enjoyed looking through our books, at our work on display and seeing exactly what we had been up to in Y2. We look forward to welcoming them again soon!