Year 2 Interview Mrs Helen About Baby Owen

yr-2-miss-helen-sept-2013What a great first week we had in Ospreys!  As you all know we are learning about families this half term.  We started our new topic thinking about what we were like when we were babies and how much we have changed.  We began to start collecting questions about things we might ask a Mummy who had a new baby….and who should walk in?!  Mrs Helen and baby Owen!  What a surprise!



Luckily we had enough questions to find out lots about babies.  They included:

  • Can babies feed themselves?
  • Can babies get dressed by themselves?
  • Can babies play?
  • Do babies have teeth?

Mrs Helen answered all our questions and showed us some of the things Owen could do.  We got to see some pictures of him when he was first born; he was the same size as a small teddy!  Owen is getting much bigger now and we think he liked coming in to Osprey class because the whole time he smiled, laughed, bounced and even tried to talk to us!

This week we will be looking at photographs from when we were babies and making our own Family Tree.  Make sure you come in to Osprey class to see how our class tree is coming along!

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