Year 2 are definitely not ‘dragon’ their feet in our poetry lessons

yr-2-dragon-poetry-march-2016This week Osprey class have become poets and used the story of ‘George and the Dragon’ as their inspiration… well, the dragon in particular. After painting and decorating our own dragons, we used them as our focus for a variety of different poetry styles.

We first wrote poems using descriptive language, in particular similes. Did you know a simile is when you compare one thing to another? When you read our poems you will spot them as quick as lightning.

After that we used our senses to describe our dragons…we thought about what we would see, hear, smell, feel and taste if we met a real life dragon.

And then finally we thought about the dragon we sometimes feel ‘inside of us’ and how we would describe it.

We hope you enjoy reading our poems and please do pop in to see the rest of our work.


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