Year 1 ‘Summer’ Acrostic Poetry

yr-1-summer-poetry-june2013-1In Year 1 we have been learning to describe an event in detail through poetry writing, in the form of an acrostic poem.

“What is an acrostic poem?” we hear you say.

Well, an acrostic poem is a poem which begins with your title, which you write down the side of your page, or in a margin. Each line of your poem begins with a letter of the title.We use these letters to create words about the subject.

Our task was to create an acrostic poem about Summer, using our best descriptions and vocabulary to ‘set the scene’. “What does ‘set the scene’ mean?”   This means describing an event and/or place in great  detail, so that the reader can picture the scene clearly  in their mind, as if they were there themselves.   We hope you enjoy reading some of our fantastic acrostic poems about Summer.

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