As a culmination of our learning about Journeys, Year 1 took a field trip to a local farm!
It was such a neat experience for the children to see what a working farm looked and yes, even smelt like! We got to see piglets (a mother pig had just given birth a few days prior), some humungous mud-covered pigs, goats, chickens, ducks and bunnies.
As a treat, the children got to feed some carrots to the bunnies and chickens. The children and myself were able to get some VERY close-up encounters with the animals. We got to see some growing plants at the farm too!
It was so interesting to visit a working farm on Providenciales and the children and I really took away what a cool life experience it must be growing up on a farm. Thank you to Nicky and Liz for letting us explore their farm. Thank you to Liz for showing us around the farm. We LOVED the trip!