Did you know that it is first ever World Osprey Week during the week of 24th – 28th March? This is an exciting opportunity for families and schools to learn more about our local ospreys, to follow the amazing migratory journeys of satellite-tagged ospreys around the world and to make contact with schools on migratory flyways. Check out Rutland Ospreys website for more details and see our school as one of the Osprey Flyways Project Schools.
Here in the Turks and Caicos we are fortunate to have ospreys nesting close to the beach for us to observe. With ample food all year long, our sub-species lives here throughout the year. Why not plan a family trip to one of the nesting sites in Turtle Cove or Leeward to watch these majestic birds of prey.
During World Osprey Week we are organising a special assembly and a display of children’s work . We have invited experts from the Department of Environment and Marine Affairs (DEMA) to come and give us presentation about our local ospreys. DEMA will also possibly be having a special art competition for our students during this week. Look out for further details as we nearer the celebrations.