Whose teeth belong to who?

yr-3-teeth-landscapes-aprilTake a look at our ‘Teeth Landscape’ paintings. Can you guess who is behind each smile? In Science, Year 3 have been researching teeth. We have discovered many facts about our teeth. For example, did you know we have two sets of teeth during our lifetime – deciduous teeth and permanent teeth; unlike sharks whose teeth renew forever and ever!



Altogether we have 20 deciduous teeth and 32 permanent teeth. Each type of tooth has a particular job to do. The ‘incisor’ cuts our food, ‘canine’ teeth helps us tear our food while the ‘molars’ have the important job of breaking down the solids we eat, helping us to swallow and digest our food.

Brilliant, Year 3 – I love these.  What colourful landscapes and each one unique.  They make me feel like I am in a cave, waking up and looking out to see a beautiful sunrise.  Or have I been fed to a baby T-rex and the mum is watching me about to be swallowed?  How do you interpret these paintings?  Miss Sian


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