There are 14 amazing, brilliant, clever, dynamic, energetic, funny, great, happy, incredible, jolly, kind, lovely, marvellous, nice, optimistic, playful, quirky, rambunctious, super, terrific, unbelievable, very cool, wonderful, Xtraordinary, youthful and zany children in the Year 1 class.
This is what they said about each other……
Can you guess who is who?
? is a good dancer, a good writer and is good at gymnastics. She has a smiley face. She loves to draw.
? is sensible and a good friend. He is a good reader and likes playing with Lego.
? is very good at sitting crisscross apple sauce. She is good at swimming and likes gymnastics. She can write very neatly.
? is cute and sweet. She is great at drawing and colouring and is a good writer. She likes her teacher and her classmates.
? is good at science. He has good ideas. He likes his family and his cousins.
? is good at Maths. She is a good friend. She is the best runner and she likes hummingbirds.
? is good doing neat work. He has a very smiley face. He likes lizards and geckos.
? is sensible, and he always listens to Ms. Amanda. He is smart and always concentrates. He likes playing with his friends.
? is always very happy. He is a good reader. He likes Ninja’s and Pokémon.
? is a true friend. She is good at writing. She is good at skipping and loves ballet.
? is a good, good boy. He is good at Maths. He colours neatly. He likes his family and his keys.
? is good at singing. He works quietly and neatly. He is good at colouring. He is kind. He likes his brother, and reading books.
? is a good boy. He is always nice to his friends. He is a good writer. He is good at P.E. and likes driving his police car.
? is good at doing very hard work. She is the best listener and has good ideas. She loves ballet and having sleepovers with her cousins.
Can you guess who is who?
What a great class!