The final day of the Spring Term is always an exciting one at Provo Primary School. Children arrive in their bright dress-down clothes, eager for fun events that include all of our students.
The day begins with our youngest children participating in a Spring Bonnet Parade around the school. Their home-crafted bonnets are shared with parents and older children, many of whom reminisce about their own creations years earlier.
After presenting their bonnets on stage, in front of their parent’s clicking cameras, the Early Years classes begin the school’s PTA Easter Egg Hunt.
Children throughout the school love the excitement of hunting for, and finding, Easter eggs around the playgrounds. We are so lucky to have the Easter Bunny visit us every year for such a special event – one that brings joy equally, from 2 to 11 year olds!
For the older children, there is also an Easter Egg decorating competition. Each child designs an egg to hang on trees outside their classroom. Our playground flutters with inventive and beautifully decorated eggs for the morning. Our school leaders have the hard task of picking winners in what is always a very tough competition!
We would like to congratulate all our Early Years children and parents for their amazing Spring bonnets – they were all so unique and the children proud to share them. We would like to thank all our PTA volunteers for organising the much-loved egg hunt. Well done to all of our egg decorating participants – what an array of spectacular patterns and ideas.
Finally, we would like to wish our whole school community a happy springtime break. We look forward to seeing you all again next term!