What a Way to Start our Summer Term in Year Two – A Field Trip!

yr-2-conch-april-2013 (4)As we take on ‘exploring our local TCI environment’ through Science, Social Studies, Dance and Music, Year 2 began scientific discovery by learning about the Queen Conch, one of the nationally recognised symbols of this great country.

As part of bringing our learning to life our class paid a visit to the Caicos Conch Farm for a tour of their fasinating facilities, followed by taking up an invitation to taste some delicious conch recipes at the Bay Bistro restaurant.



At the conch farm our students learned about the diet of the conch in captivity (which includes Algae and hops!) and had the information they had learned in class confirmed; such as, the parts of a conch (both shell and animal), the life cycle of a conch, their predators and their mating practices.

The highlight of the visit for most of our students was being able to hold and touch the many conchs growing at the farm, as well as meeting Sally and Jerry, the star conch of the farm who pop our of their shell to wave hello with their mighty claw!

Our visit coincided with Earth Day and was very apropos to our theme of learning about our environment in order to participate through protection and preservation.

After our tour of the Cacios Conch Farm was complete, we made our way over to Bay Bistro where we had been invited for some simply scrumptious conch creations! We were treated like royalty and were served as many conch fritters, wontons, heaps of conch salad and award winning Bay Bistro conch crepes as we could fit in our bellies.  Not to mention mango smoothies to top off our feast of fresh conch. We thanked our hosts by singing the island tune, “Dry Conch” and then said adieu with our hearts and tummies full.
Of course our morning of fun would not have been possible without the generosity of  the Caicos Conch Farm guides,  Clive and his staff at Bay Bistro and our parent volunteers who drove us and added a whole lot of fun to our adventure.  Thank you!  We can’t wait for the next trip!

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