The Summer Term starts here at Provo Primary on Monday 28th April. We hope that you are all enjoying your Easter break holiday and are looking forward to returning back to school. We have some new children and families joining our school community this term and we extend a warm welcome to you all.
As expected, we have a productive and eventful final term ahead with our class topics and activities, our Year 6 residential trip to Salt Cay and Grand Turk, SATs assessments in Years 2 – 6, end of year reports, parent consultation meetings, our final end of year assembly and Year 6 graduation.
We also have a few PTA events coming up – remember to save the date for our PTA Spring Fundraiser – Cocktails and Curry Redux on Friday 16th May.
As always look out for information here on the blog, in your email inbox and on our school notice boards throughout the term.
We have a variety of new and favourite After-School Clubs for you to choose from this term. Clubs will start on Monday 5th May. Look out for the club details and the registration forms this week. We will be entering 3 teams into the TCIFA Schools Soccer Tournament this year and we wish all our teams and players an enjoyable series of games.
School Lunches
A reminder that school lunches will resume on Monday 5th May. Forms will go out mid week for you to complete.
Class newsletters will go out this week, packed full of information related to class topics and events.