Welcome back to a brand new year at Provo Primary School. It was wonderful to see all the children keen and eager to begin the year with such a positive attitude.
There are some new members of our school community this term so I would like to wish a warm welcome to all the new staff, children and parents alike and hope you enjoy your time at our school.
Click on the link to find out more about our teachers. Teachers
The staff and I are looking forward to continued growth and development within the school, both in learning and the environment in which we all work.
To find out more about the work your child will be doing in this half term, click on the appropriate link.
Pre-school Sept-07 Â Â Â Jnr. Kindergarten 1 Sept-07
Jnr. Kindergarten 2 Sept-07 Â Â Â Kindergarten Sept-07
Grade 1 Sept-07 Â Â Â Grade 2-Sept-07
Grade 3 Sept-07 Â Â Â Grade 4 Sept-07 Â Â Â Grade 5 & 6 Sept-07
Current improvements
Over the holidays there has been a succession of maintenance work taking place at school – some more visible than others – but including the replacement of rotten door frames and doors, re-routing gutters to prevent water lying on the ground, repairs to the Library and Junior Kindergarten roofs and walls, cleaning, tidying and clearance of broken and unwanted materials.
Kwatcha Holdings are also investigating the possibility of getting the school on City Water to ensure continued supply in case of a power cut. All of these activities have helped to improve the environment for the children.
Thank you to all who helped raise funds for the refurbishment of the Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten rooms. They have been painted and had fans installed making a dramatic difference to both the look and the learning environment. Junior Kindergarten also had air conditioning installed.
Last week air conditioning has also been installed in 3 more classrooms (Kindergarten, Grade 2 and Grade 3). Two of these were due to extremely generous donations from parents. Thank you!! Grade 1 will have it installed this week making us a ‘fully air conditioned school’
We are continuing to work with Kwatcha Holdings to try to alleviate the congestion in the car park. Until a more permanent solution is agreed upon the following will help:–
Staff are still using the far end of the car park to allow more room for parents near the gate.
Please park sensibly and with children’s safety in mind.
Whenever possible, drop off and leave as soon as you can.
A few general reminders
- School is open from 8.15 and starts at 8.30. Children should not be late as they will miss valuable input at the beginning of lessons; nor should children arrive before 8.15 as there is no supervision.
- School finishes at 3.00 and children should be picked up promptly. Teachers are involved in clubs, meetings or assessments and are not available to supervise. A late charge applies to children picked up after 3.15pm.
- If children are not able to attend due to sickness or any other reason, please inform the office by phone or email
- For health and safety reasons no jewellery should be worn in school; the only exemption is stud earrings which must be taken out for PE
- The school has a uniform to help children identify as part of our school community; please ensure that your child wears it daily.
- Flip flops are not sensible shoes to wear at school as they can be unsafe.
- Children need to bring their PE kit on days when they have PE. For health and hygiene reasons they need their uniform to change into afterwards
- At morning break children can have a ‘healthy snack’; this should be fruit or vegetables
- Children need to bring sufficient water to drink throughout the day. The Office is no longer able to supply bottled water for those who forget. We do keep a small supply for emergencies/ first aid.
I look forward to working with you all throughout the coming year to help provide the best possible education for the children at our school. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher or contact me at school or via email principal@provolearning.com
Hi, I hope you have a wonderful beginning to the new year.I miss you and I hope you guys and girls all have fun!!!!!!!!!!