Over the next couple of weeks, many of the teachers will be hosting ‘reading’ worshop meetings. Come and learn more about how teachers and children approach reading in our school, how our reading scheme and library books are organised and how you as parents can help your child on their reading journey, as they progress through the school.
Look out for all of the posters displayed on your child’s class noticeboard next week for details. Please ask your child’s teacher for further information and let them know if you are able to attend.
Year 2: Parent Reading Meeting – Tuesday 15th @ 2:20pm in the School Library.
Year 3/4: Parent Reading Meeting – Wednesday 16th @ 8:15am in the School Library.
Kindergarten – Parent Reading Meeting – Friday 18th @ 2:20pm in the Kindergarten classroom.
Year 5/6: General Expectations Meeting – Wednesday 23rd @ 5pm in the Year 6 classroom.
The Year 1 Reading Meeting will be later in the term on Tuesday 10th November @ 8:15am.
We hope to see you there.