Has our ‘Turtle Week’ at Provo Primary inspired you to find out more about sea turtles in the Turks and Caicos Islands? If so, then perhaps you may like to relax in a hammock, or on the beach, and read through some wonderful articles from our locally produced magazine – The Times of the Islands.
Keeping Tabs on Turtles – Beach profile monitoring for marine turtle nesting areas.
Turtle Travels Unraveled – “Stay at home” turtles are valuable to boosting local populations.
Mother Sea Turtle – A look at the importance of turtles to the Tainos as food and myth.
A Promising Prognosis -Tackling TCI’s turtle fishery.
Thank you to The Times of the Islands team for collating and passing these on to us.
Times of the Islands is for people who have more than a casual interest in the Turks and Caicos. Each full-colour issue presents professionally written, in-depth articles on Turks and Caicos topics. Published quarterly since 1988, copies are available free of charge throughout the Islands in shops, hotel and condominium rooms and lobbies, restaurants, most business offices and at Providenciales International Airport Arrivals. Subscriptions are sent anywhere in the world.
For more information, comments, questions or writers’ guidelines, contact Kathy Borsuk, Editor at timespub@tciway.tc.
For advertising rates, placement and deadlines, contact Claire Parrish, Advertising Manager at tfadvert@tciway.tc.