Toddlers visit the Local Farm

t-farm-trip-mar-2015 (3)The toddler class embarked on their first field trip to Turner Farm. Farmer Liz greeted us and took us to see the rabbits. There we got to feed them carrots. Some of the rabbits were quite impatient and took the entire carrot from us! We opened the cage and found a surprise – bunnies! They were so cute and little.




After this we went to see the chickens and ducks. We were amazed at how many there were! There were little chicks walking around and another surprise – ducklings! We went on a hunt searching for eggs with Farmer Liz and found enough to fill an egg carton.

Next to the chickens were two piglets but they didn’t seem to like us being around them. The rooster came and tried to calm them down but it didn’t work.

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After visiting with the animals, we toured the farm and saw lots of different fruits and vegetables growing.

Thank you to Farmer Liz and all at Turner Farm for showing us around your wonderful farm. The experience was very engaging and hands-on for all. The children, teachers and parents thoroughly enjoyed the visit and are eagerly anticipating another field trip!

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