Toddlers experience with Humpty Dumpty

toddlers-humpty-jan-2016 (12)The Toddlers have been learning popular nursery rhymes so far this term. A favourite has been Humpty Dumpty and they have been exploring the rhyme in a variety of ways.

Perhaps the highlight for the children (teachers) was the experiment in using a real egg when telling the rhyme and watching it fall and breaking. The children were most concerned in seeing the broken Humpty Dumpty. However, attention quickly shifted when they were given a boiled egg to crack, peel and eat! YUM!

The children have enjoyed using actions, words and sign language when retelling the rhyme. They have been practising their gross motor skills in soft play by climbing up ‘walls’ and then falling off with many giggles in anticipation of tumbling.

Lots of fine motor development has been included in the making of a tissue paper Humpty Dumpty and manipulating the opening and closing of toy eggs. They were surprised when some of the toy eggs could no longer be opened and made noise when they shook them!

The children have enjoyed engaging in imaginary play and using toy props, such as building blocks, horses, people and plastic eggs to act out the rhyme.



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