Today is Safer Internet Day—“Let’s create a better Internet together”

safer-internet-day-2015Safer Internet Day is organised in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Today is the official day this year, but as this is during our mid-term, we will recognise it on our return tomorrow, and through the rest of the week, with a variety of class and mixed-class activities.  Read on to find out more about how you as a parents can support your child to use the Internet safely and positively.

Children love using technology and the Internet and are learning to navigate websites, online games and consoles, and touch screen technology like iPads and smartphones from a younger and younger age.  Technology is advancing at a phenomenal rate and we understand that children are experiencing things we never did when we were their age. Parents can sometimes find it challenging to keep up to speed with what children and young people are doing online.  Also, as children grow, their use of technology and the Internet will in turn develop. Just as you as parents protect your children in the offline world, it is important to provide support and guidance when it comes to managing their lives online, encouraging them to use the internet positively and safely.

In school this last half term, classes in KS1 and 2 have been exploring the theme of e-safety as part of their Computing curriculum. We aim to teach our students to use technology safely and respectfully, focusing on them understanding the importance of keeping their personal details private when online, considering who they are talking to and making sure a trusted adult knows what they are doing. Older students also learn about where they can go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.  Continuing into the Summer term, we will be exploring the topic of age appropriate and healthy use of technology (age indicators for games, time spent and sites used, etc). Our older classes will also looks at the topic of Cyberbullying, which in future will be a focus for all students in KS1 and 2 in the Autumn term.

We encourage parents to explore the many websites that offer information and support, such as and We hope that you will join with us in reaching out to your children by asking them about how they are using technology and the Internet.  Collaborative conversations between you and your child will enable you to guide them to learn to make safe online decisions and to feel happy coming to you when they feel they need help.

CEOP has also produced ‘Keeping up with The Joneses’, a short trailer to get parents and carers thinking about getting involved in their children’s online lives.



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