Today is Safer Internet Day – 2019 – how you will help to create a kinder online community?

Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to talk to your family and friends about the safe, responsible and positive use of technology, and to pledge how you will help to create a kinder online community.

What we’ll be doing at school… Celebrating Safer Internet Day today, children across our primary and middle school will be taking part in lessons which aim to help young people understand how to keep themselves and others safe and happy online.  Plan to stay a few minutes at pick up today to see some of the activities they’ve been engaged in. We are also arranging for a community police person from the TCIPF to come and talk with our older students this week, as part of their countrywide online safety tour.

What you can do at home… To help you talk to your children at home about having a positive and safe time online, here is a link to some resources for parents and carers, including conversation starters, a fact-sheet, a family pledge card, videos and more!  Or simply try helping your children develop four critical skills – the 4Rs of online safety:

  • Respect– I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated
  • Responsibility – I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong
  • Reasoning – I question what is real
  • Resilience – I get back up from tough situations

Latest research – Giving and receiving consent in an online context… For Safer Internet Day 2019, the UK Safer Internet Centre has launched a report into young people’s experiences of asking for, giving and receiving consent in an online context.  Read a quick summary of the research here.

Safer Internet Day (5th Feb 2019) is a day that aims to educate young people about the internet. Celebrated globally with the theme: Together for a better internet, this year’s Safer Internet Day, is all about remembering that it’s our internet and our choice.

Put together by the UK Safer Internet Center, the aim of the day is to promote the positive use of digital technology for children by inspiring conversation and empowering young people with clear strategies and guidance to navigate the internet in a safe and respectful way. The Centre has also developed educational resources to equip parents, schools and other members of the children’s workforce with tools to support young people.




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