Hi Everyone,
I want to welcome you all back to school this year. I’m in touch with Mr. Mark, Miss Sian or Ms. Stefanie daily and I look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things that are happening and how well all of you have settled back into school. I’ve also heard about all the new children and their families and look forward to meeting them when I come down to the island.
Things are going well here in Georgia and Josh is loving his new school. As well as Floppy and her puppies, we also have two new additions to our family, Dylan and Max. Click on the pictures below to find out what kind of animals these new creatures are and see if you recognize Josh with his short hair! I’ve also attached some pictures of our house and the surrounding areas. I hope you enjoy looking at them and hope to hear from you soon, Love from Ms. Alison. You can email us all your news to: director@provolearning.com or joshwilliams1@rabungap.org. Click here to see the photos.
Good to see you doing well and enjoying lfe in Georgia