Tipi Team Work in Year 3

“Well done”

“Good job”

“Do you think we could…”

“Shall we try again?”

“It looks amazing!”

“We’re not giving up!”

These were just some of the phrases that were shared during our ‘team building tipi’ session this week. Year 3 were given the challenge to build group tipis – very much related to our Native American study of the Sioux tribe this term – Two groups worked with their own ‘build your own tipi’ set, which came with a pack of instructions – that alone was a challenge! And one group were asked to build a tipi using our fabulous new ‘loose parts’ playground equipment.

It was wonderful to see and hear all the positive interactions and the patience that occurred, even when each group had to start their challenges from the beginning – quite a few times!  Once their mission was accomplished, one student even exclaimed to her group, “You made my day perfect by us all working together today.” I think I’d agree with that. Well done, Year 3!

Drum roll………….





A very big thank you to the P.T.A. who so kindly helped to finance the new ‘loose parts’ equipment, and to Mrs. Amanda who organised and brought it to our playground. We just LOVE it!

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