A variety of healthy activities are set to be hosted this week to celebrate Caribbean Wellness Day.
Its aim is to increase awareness and promote healthy activities to address the epidemic of non-communicable diseases.
The overall theme for the event is ‘Power through collective action” with the special theme for this year, ‘Stronger together’.
Read on to learn about daily activities your family may like to join in with.
Monday 14th ‘Mental Health Awareness Day’.
Tuesday 15th is ‘Take a Fruit to Work/School Day Tuesday’.
Wednesday 16th is ‘Drink Water Wednesday’Thursday 17th, ‘Fitness’ with a live aerobics session with Ryesha Higgs from Graceway Sport Centre.
Friday 18th ‘Know Your Numbers Friday’ get your blood sugar and blood pressure tested.
Find out more details on the TCI Health Promotions and Advocacy Facebook page.