Theme week this year has been a fantastic success!  There has been a wealth of exciting activities and projects which the children have really enjoyed and there has been a real buzz throughout the school. There are many people to thank so please read on…Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to all of the children. They have embraced this theme week with all their hearts and enthusiasm, their creativity and curiosity.  I can’t begin to imagine which part of the week they’ll say was their favourite part, I wouldn’t know where to start, there’s been so many great things to choose from! A special thanks goes out too, to all of the teachers, for all their tremendous effort and enthusiasm, time and teamwork this week.  It’s been a lot of hard work, but a very rewarding time.
I would also like to thank all the people in our community who have helped and performed this week, especially Judith Robinson, our Senior Sports Development Officer, who assisted us in our sports day preparations and organised the use of the National Stadium, David Bowen, our Director of Culture, who performed on stage during storytelling night, Tony and Jules from the Unicorn Bookstore for coming down and selling books and Sandy Mclelland for cooking the cookies. Also, to the TCFAF and the Page to Pirouettes ballet group.
A big thank you, as well, to all the parents and our PTA who have supported our theme week so well. You have helped with costumes, transported children on field trips and to and from our sports’ day, provided food and attended the many events and shared in your children’s learning and enjoyment this week. Next week, we look forward to seeing you all again at our Early Years’ Sports Day, at the Graceway Sports Centre.
Finally, a huge thank you to Stefanie Twigg for lending us her ‘Flip’ camera, which allowed us to take all of wonderful movies you’ve seen this week – around 300 in all! Also, to everyone who has taken photos to help record our week, especially Krys, who has been with us almost full time this week, busy kindly taking photos for our yearbooks.
Thank you everyone,
Ms. Sian