“We have the best prices starting at $1!
“We make your bills smaller with our prices…”
“Remember our prices cannot be beaten!”
“We have it all! Groceries, toys, DVD’s, clothes, sports equipment and more!”
“You want it…We have it!”
Have we persuaded you to come in and buy from the Year 3 class shop? We had a lot of fun designing persuasive posters and adverts to entice customers to come and shop with us. We have bargains galore!
Year 3 Dolphins have not only been co-operatively building a class shop, they have also been busy: Estimating the cost of their shopping; finding the totals and, just as importantly, checking their change!
It’s been great fun to work together, learning from each other and of course, having the chance to shop during ‘school time’! Super work Year 3! Take a look at the photos of our amazing shop and super-duper Maths calculations.