Each year during the month of October, the Department of Early Childhood Education celebrates ‘The Week of the Young Child’.
The week aims at highlighting the crucial period for learning that takes place during the life span of an individual and celebrates the unique way in which young children learn. The week commences October 5-9, 2015 under the theme;
“Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom”.
We are pleased to share that our Early Years classes are participating in a variety of extra reading activities this week. The whole school also aims to get together for some book buddy reading times, with older children reading to young ones. There will also be a ‘DEAR’ session, where upon everyone in the school time Drops Everything And Reads at the same!
How will you choose to celebrate the theme “Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom” at home? Why not send us a photo?
Our Early Childhood Education Officer, Heidy Williams, sends the message, “Reading is fundamental as it engages all subject areas. It is critical in equipping children with the necessary developmental skills that will allow them to communicate with others and to freely express their thoughts, feelings and ideas. It will empower them to grasp new concepts, build their vocabulary and heighten their understanding in comprehension. Reading also peeks a child curiosity and increases their knowledge about the world around them.
It is with this in mind that early literacy programmes must be positioned to the forefront of Early Childhood Classes/Centres. It must involve the home, school and the community and be promoted by its teachers, parents and children. Reading activities must be visible with print rich environments and various types of interesting materials and resources that support and encourage reading.
In keeping with this, schools and centres are encouraged to engage in a variety of in-house activities, as we celebrate the significance of providing our children with early literacy experiences.”
Happy Reading TCI!