What a spook-tacular Trick or Treat and Halloween party we enjoyed last night at Provo Primary and Middle School. A wonderful community event with families from across the island dressing up and joining in with the fun.
A HUGE thank you to our team of AMAZING parents who organised and helped out with everything – from decorations, candy supplies, food, drinks, photos and music, to our FANTASTIC Year 6s who did a great job running all the entertaining games, to Year 7 and friends for making the Haunted House such a THRILLING place to visit and to all the Flamingo Park residents who kindly joined in with the Trick or Treating.
The school looked amazing and it was wonderful to see so many children having fun in their costumes, enjoying the games and playing together. The smiles, the joyful play and the wonderful friendly nature between them all made the evening such a delight!
A night to remember! Hats off to the clean up crew too. Well done everyone – a successful night thanks to all your team effort and support. Until next year…!