This week, it was lovely to receive and share a thank you certificate and note to all of our families here at Provo Primary School from the Provo Children’s Home (PCH). The certificate was presented to the children in our weekly ‘Celebration Assembly’.
Last term, our School Council worked hard to co-ordinate and promote a variety of events to raise money and collect food for this worthy local community charity. Read more about our fundraising events here.
Tanis Wake-Forbes passed on the thank you certificate as a small token of appreciation for our kindness and support of PCH. She said, “I would like to thank the children, parents and staff of Provo Primary School for their continued support and generosity to PCH. Without donations like these we would find it very difficult to provide the level of care for our less fortunate children.” She went on to say, “It is doubly appreciated when support comes from children helping other children and brings out the best in all of us. Thank you again for caring.”
Thank you everyone and we look forward to continuing to support the PCH again in the future.