“Supporting Maths Learners” Parent information evening

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our “Supporting Maths Learners” information evening. We hoped to give you a practical insight into how we support your children in school as well as share ideas how to support learning at home. The feedback was positive and it was wonderful to see many of the TCI Community College Teaching students attend, developing their learning too.

Thank you for coming.  Click on to see resources shared at the evening…

See our PDF presentation from evening on how new knowledge of the ways our brains learn mathematics is impacting our teaching and learning, and how parents and guardians have incredible opportunities to make a huge difference in their children’s mathematical lives. Or read an article version:  Twelve Steps to increase your Child’s Maths Achievement and make Maths Fun!

Our parent guides will help you to see the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years through to Year 6. They demonstrate the teaching stages of each of the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Also watch a series of Maths videos to demonstrate the strategies and methods we use at school to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations.


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