It’s all about Superheroes in Y1 and Y2 at Provo Primary School this term and we are flying into it faster than Superman!
This week, Year 1 were looking at Numicon as part of their math lesson, when we made a startling discovery! Their shapes could be put together to look a lot like the superhero city landscape setting in our Superheroes Headquarters. Well, you can guess what happened next…we got very excited and created a whole class landscape using all the numicon we had! It was pretty large (see the pictures!). And it didn’t end there…
After using the Numicon, we looked around the classroom to see what else we could make into ‘cityscapes’. It is safe to say, our maths lesson took a pretty interesting turn and our classroom turned into a superhero’s dream. Ten frames, Cuisenaire rods and pegboards were just a few of the items used to create our ‘new classroom’. We even found an almond shell from outside, which was used as one of the bad guys’ weapons! And as if it couldn’t get any better, some of the children chose to write sentences about the city. What an eventful and surprising maths lesson!
It was lovely to see the class so animated and excited about something that was so completely unplanned. In addition, it was amazing to watch just how creative the children could get, pulling out resources from all over the classroom.
What a ‘super’ day!