We are offering a wide range of amazing programmes this summer to keep your child learning, active and having fun.
Click on the links below to find out more and to register your child:
Toddler/Preschool Taster Sessions:
14 mths to 2 yrs: Toddler Taster Sessions 2014
Summer Camps:
2 -5 year olds: 2-5 Year Olds Summer Fun Camp 2014
6+ year olds: 6+ Year Olds School Camp / Summer School 2014
Toddler/Preschool Taster Sessions (14 mths – 2 yrs):
Provo Primary School invites prospective families to come and experience the unique qualities of our school and what we can offer your family.
Summer Fun (2- 5 yrs):
A range of daily on-campus fun activities.
Summer Camp (6+ Yrs):
Be curious, make discoveries, and enjoy exploring a range of creative projects that combine learning with summer camp fun!
Activities will include:
* Theatre Art, Drama and Dance * Sports * Science
* Arts and Crafts * Beach Day *Swimming Sessions
Summer School (5 + yrs):
Mind Up Session and Science/Maths and Music
Discovery and curiosity” is the theme of these sessions. “I wonder why or how” is a great workout for your brain and if you want to be the best at what you do, you need to be brain smart.
Get your scientific, mathematical and music creativity neurons firing and wiring. Link what you already know to new concepts, and fine tune your skills in a fun way.
Did you know that our brains are what control our whole bodies and that some of the world’s most successful and famous athletes meditate to get in “the zone”?
Do you realize that your thoughts create who you are? Learn how to think and act positively and see how it transforms your world. Learn how important it is to focus and be less distracted by things going on around you. For more information on MindUP visit: http://www.thehawnfoundation.org/curriculum
Individual / Small Group Tutoring, Music, or MindUP Sessions (Offered from 1.45PM onwards daily throughout the summer)