It was a beautiful morning at Provo Primary with sunshine, blue Skies, flowers and smiles…what more could we ask for on our last day of the Spring Term?
The Early Years classes proudly paraded around the school wearing their creative Spring-time inspired hats. This was was followed by our traditional egg hunts!
In the Yr 1 – 6 hunt, the elusive giant egg kept many children searching for a long time, but no one was able to find it this year! “It was the best egg hunt ever!.. I kept looking to find the big egg… I can’t believe I didn’t find the big egg, it was right there!”
All the teachers and children would like to pass on a huge thank you to all the mums and dads for helping to create such beautiful bonnets and to the PTA for making our egg hunt lots of fun! Happy holidays to everyone from all at Provo Primary.