Skipping School?

You won’t want to miss this…skipping is all the rage at Provo Primary this term with children young and old skipping forwards, backwards, while running and turning.  There’s even Double Dutch and French Skipping – Ooh la la!  With ropes circling at playtimes, lunchtimes and PE lessons, it’s certainly creating lots of giggles and smiles while keeping the children active with hearts pumping and plenty of exercise. Click on to read  more and to find links to some great skipping websites.

“It’s wonderful to see the children becoming more confident and to see them get better at it each time they try.  There were some who felt they couldn’t skip, but now, they are seeing that with practise and encouragement from their classmates and us teachers, they can do it!” says PE teacher Miss Shara.  “Jumping into a rope twirling at high speed is a little scary… it’s all about timing and rhythm (along with some basic physics).  It’s about trying your best and not giving up.  After a while, the children get better at it, it gets easier and they feel proud of themselves!”

How long this current craze will last is anybody’s guess but with new tricks to learn, personal challenges to beat, we can be sure that there will be a whole lot of jumping up and down and plenty of fun for the whole school.

Skipping movies:

Chinese Jump Rope – Take a look at these guys for some ideas on developing your skipping skills

– a great collection of movies plus a section on tricks and rhymes

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