Sk8 Night A Big Success

Skate-night-2014-255Red-faced, sweaty and all smiles, skaters throughout the night enjoyed the camaraderie of skating with pals from school and elsewhere while parents socialized on the bleachers or got in on the act and skated right along with their kids.  While the younger set had a spot to boogie off the “ice”, this year the majority of children attending – from 3 to 13+ – skated, and skated incredibly well, with nary a wipeout to be seen.

A huge thanks to all that came out and supported the event; the cadre of PTA volunteers that manned the admissions table, rink door, concessions and puck shooting contest., making the evening a smooth running success; to Lemon2Go and Giggles, whom generously donated prizes for the puck shooting contest; and to MELT, who treated each child to a $10 voucher on their way out (many of which were seen being used the following afternoon!).


A meeting will be held in Term 3 for parents to determine where funds raised from this PTA event (and others) would be best utilized.

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