Preschool Shape Explorers

ps-shape-explorers-jan-2016-(24)The Preschool’s Topic, ‘It’s All About the Shapes’, has involved far more than learning just about the basic shapes, but rather exploring the world of ‘shape’.

First we went on a shape hunt around school as an introduction to the topic. Then we have investigated size, patterns, holes and tubes. The children have thoroughly enjoyed going outdoors to explore these concepts in further detail.

Take a journey of shape exploration through the eyes of our Preschool class…


Using magnifying glasses, we looked for patterns on leaves, flowers and trees.

Later we went out with paper and crayons to rub over a variety of textures.

We made puddles in the playground to see what patterns we could make with our feet/shoes and what lines we could make with the bikes. Mrs. Rachel even painted the bottom of our shoes – we all thought that it was quite funny, but were impressed with the patterns we painted. There were even some “ABCs!”

On the green field we moved in and out of cones in curvy lines and practised running in a somewhat straight line!

ps-shape-explorers-jan-2016 (14)In the water table there were a variety of kitchen utensils with holes in them.  The children tried very hard to capture the water, but it kept going through the holes! ‘Oh, no!’ was a favourite expression.







The children made burrows for some animals in the sand table and went exploring “in the woods” looking through a peep hole.

What a budding group of shape explorers we are developing!

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