Last Friday was Valentine’s Day and Provo Primary was filled with mystery and intrigue as well as a healthy dose of love and appreciation as staff all became “Secret Angels” for the day.
Earlier that week each person had drawn a name out of a hat and their job was then to be an “angel” for this person for the whole day. The idea was that the “human” should be pampered, treated and surprised by their angel over the day, and to try and do this anonymously.
Throughout the day, gifts were exchanged including baked goodies, chocolates, messages and flowers. One teacher was even given the gift of extra time with his young son during the day! The children also joined in the intrigue as “angels” enlisted them to pass gifts and messages to their “human” without giving the secret away as to who sent them. At the end of the day we all gathered together and everyone enjoyed the chance to guess who they thought their angel was, before each angels revealed themselves and got to hug their human. What a wonderful day filled with fun, appreciation and, of course, plenty of mystery!
The idea was inspired by a company called Mindvalley, who four years ago decided that Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be a day just for lovers with lovers – it should be an entire WEEK where everybody gets to experience a little love and appreciation at the workplace. After all, love and appreciation leads to happiness. And happiness is known to boost productivity. We decided to start this event this year with us being an secret angel for a day and there certainly was much happiness around the school. Next year, I am sure everyone will be happy all round if we have a full love week!
We hope that this ‘crazy’ tradition that started in one company on Valentines Day in Malaysia turns into a global movement – It’s already reached here in the TCI. Why not get your company or business to join in? And see how this could change your company’s culture in remarkable ways. Visit the Mindvalley blog if you would like to find out more.