School Council’s Ideas for the New Year.

school-council-garden-planning-jan-2014A Happy New Year from the School Council. We will be busy the next two terms working on our School Outdoor Area.  Our intention is to work in a way whereby all children will be able to participate in discussing, researching, planning and making parts of our play area and the garden a little bit different!  Our first steps are to gather as many ‘workable’ ideas as possible from the children, parents and friends of the School.



We already have Mrs Natalie who will be advising us on how to clear part of our garden, and on how to successfully grow things – Thank you.

We would very much like to make part of our garden into a ‘Mindful Area’ where the children could sit, read, chat, play quiet games and share their break times together in a peaceful way.  It would also offer an outside classroom area. We would love to paint the tables and benches, maybe even buy some new ones? Make some stepping stones, create a chalk wall space and plant some new vegetables and flowers. Wind chimes and outside musical instruments could create soft sounds as well.  We are also looking into developing our main playground area. The children will be researching into and discussing some ideas.

We’ll keep you posted of any developments along the way. Any ideas or assistance would be very much appreciated by you all. So do get in touch with your child’s teacher or the class School Councillor if any ideas fleet your way! Thank you.

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