School Council Provo Library Book Drive

school-Council-Book-Drive-oct-2015Only 3 more days left to join in…

The Provo Primary School Council is asking YOU to look through bookshelves to see if you have any GENTLY USED CHILDREN’S BOOKS that you would like to DONATE to the PROVO LIBRARY, DOWNTOWN.

This initiative takes place as part of our Department of Education’s National ‘Week of the Young Child’, under this year’s theme…“Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom”

(Please pass on donations to your class teacher by Friday 9th October)

Thank you, The Provo Primary School Council

Embarking on their first community project this year, a selection of our School Council members will be visiting the library later this week.  They aim to find out all they can about this local facility, which supports children on the island with their development and enjoyment of reading.

Many children go there when they need to research things for their homework too.

The School Council plans to talk to Ms. Joan, the librarian, to find out about the library and about her job.  They also want to learn about ways in which our Provo Primary community can support and develop the library further, especially for children.  The visit will hopefully also inspire them to come back excited to share what they have learnt and eager to encourage more children from Provo Primary to utilize this local resource.

Look out for news on their visit and other further exciting community projects here on the blog, and on the School Council display in our school library.

Children seeing ways in which they can help other children, both near and far, is a big part of our School Council’s ethos.  We hope this first community project will be the first of many great ones for our enthusiastic youth to become involved in this year.


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