School Council First Aiders and Library News

school-council-library-april-2016-1Last term each of our School Council members participated in a First Aid Course devised especially for children, by the British Red Cross. Book donations and the purchase of library resources were also bought and presented to the Public Library.  Find out more about these two projects and do check out some of the photo to see our wonderful School Councillors at work!



School Council First Aiders

The School Councillors all successfully completed the course.  They learned how to deal with minor burns, scraps and scratches, asthma attacks, how to make a 911 call in an emergency and even how to move somebody into a recovery position safely.  It also involved additional MindUp input, from Miss Tracy our P.S.H.C.E Co-ordinator. This involved talking about ways in which we can help each other ‘problem solve’ during our play times.

The School Council have been quite excited about being able to assist the adults on duty in the playground, and it all seems to be running smoothly. They also look very smart with their new ‘Lively First Aider Bibs’ making them easy to spot!

Provo Public Library Visit

The three members of the School Council who were unable to visit with us the first time, were able to visit the Provo Public Library last week. The school council decided that funds collected from the Dress Down Days during the first term was officially donated to the Provo Public Library.  The children assisted the librarian Miss Shanay, to shop for resources – A huge white board, plus lots of art and craft resources were purchased to help support their homework support initiative and Saturday morning reading club.  The excess book donations from the Book Swap were also passed on.  Miss Shanay and Miss Joan were so very, very pleased with their new resources and wanted us to make sure that YOU were all thanked sincerely for YOUR assistance in making the Public Library a better place.

So THANK YOU to you all for your books and monthly $1 donations. It has all been very much appreciated.

What a busy time for the School Councillors!



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