This week we had our School Council Elections and many children in Years 2-7 took the opportunity to run to be their class representative. Read on to find out more about the elections and what it takes to be a great School Councillor.
Schools work better when students and teachers are working together and listening to each other. Children often notice things that need changing that adults aren’t aware of. The School Council is a forum where children can come together in a meeting and help make decisions about the school. Each year, two representatives from each class from Years 2-7 are elected by their peers. They attend the School Council meetings and act as spokespeople for their class. Children in Year 1 take turns to come to meetings and are guided and supported by the older children.
Leading up to the elections, the children running for Class Rep produced posters and each gave a presentation to their class on why they would be a good choice. Here are a couple of the posters.
The classes then took a vote and the new reps were announced to the whole school in our Celebration Assembly. Congratulations to this year’s School Council Reps and to everyone who tried out and did their best. A big thank you also to last year’s reps for all your hard work and effort.
Being on the School Council is a serious job. You’re one of the most important people in our school, and you can help make it a nicer place to be for students, teachers and other staff.
School Council Reps are elected by the students in their class to:
– Go to School Council meetings and take part in discussions.
– Let the class know what was discussed at meetings.
– Take the views of classmates to the School Council.
– Be involved in projects that the School Council runs.
Click on the picture to see what it takes to be a good School Council Rep.
Below is a School Council Handbook for you to download. It has lots of ideas on how to be the best rep you can be!
School Council Handbook Part 1
School Council Handbook Part 2
School Council Handbook Part 3
Last year, the School Council played a big role in improving our school environment and our hot lunch programme. After the hurricanes, Hannah and Ike, damaged the Iris Stubbs Primary School on South Caicos, they also discussed how we could support them using money the school had fund raised. They decided to buy books and classroom resources.
Can you think of anything in our school that needs improving? Tell your new School Council Rep and help play a part in making our school even better!
Fantastic campaign movie! Will you be running for Premier next?