School Council Egg Decorating Competition

egg-decoration-march-2016Congratulations to everyone who took part in our eggstra-special egg decorating competition.  Wow, what amazing designs. They were eggsquisite!  First and second prize winners where chosen from each age group from Year 1 – 6.  Here they all are, eggshibiting their eggs.  Bold colours, effort, creative ideas and attention to detail were eggsamined by the judge when making their eggstremely challenging choices.

Well done to all of our prize winners – all of whom were naturally eggstatic!

Word play at this time of year is always a joy to eggsplore!  Shel Silverstein clearly was eggsited by this when creating the poem below, which one of our Year 3’s brought to me to share…

These eggs
Are eggscellent.
I’m not eggsaggerating.
You can tell by my eggspression
They’re eggceptional–
Eggstra fluffy,
Eggstremely tasty,
Cooked eggsactly right
By an eggspert
With lots of eggsperience.
Now I’ll eggsamine the bill….
Ooh–much more eggspensive
Than I eggspected.
I gotta get out of here.
Where’s the eggxit?

Falling Up
Copyright 1996 by Shel Silverstein
HarperCollins Publishers


How eggstraordinary!

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